Online forms

Air conditioning application

    Applicant & property details

    Applicant details

    Improvement details

    Additional details required:

    • All costs to be payable by the Owner (Installation and maintenance)

    • As the Lot owner is responsible for all future and continual maintenance of the air condition unit

    • Condensation must been plumbed into existing drainage system

    • The installation must not impede access

    • The air condition unit cannot generate noise which may affect other lots or common area

    • Any damage caused to common property as a result of the installation or running, will be at the owner's cost to repair.

    A Vote Outside of Committee Meeting (VOCM) will be created at this office and then submitted to the Body Corporate Committee to consider and vote. This application will then be reviewed, and this office will tally the votes. A decision is made within 7 – 21 days from sending the VOCM. At this time the applicant and all Owners will be advised of the results and a Minute will be created for the Body Corporate records.

    By signing the below I acknowledge that these works and any future maintenance repairs are payable by myself and any damage caused to Common Property as a result of these works will be rectified by a qualified trade professional at my own expense. Further, I acknowledge that I will be required to adhere to all conditions of approval.

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